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Using a Modular Broker? What are the Benefits

| Used Modular News | July 15, 2016

Are there any Benefits to using a Modular Broker?

First, what is a modular broker?  They are professional Companies or people who dedicate their time sourcing, securing and selling both new and used modulars. These professionals usually have many years experience in the field and most importantly, have an extensive base of suppliers, industry contacts  and manufacturers who either have inventory to sell or can produce specific units as requested.
Brokers also understand the market and follow trends in the industry to forecast for their clients what is in demand and will be in the future. Based on how much experience they have, brokers can also be used to evaluate modulars as well as give a unbiased assessment as to price and condition. Keep in mind that prices may vary based on what is in demand at the time as well as what is available. (supply)

We are asked on a regular basis to assist our clients ‘broker’ or sell their used modulars. In the initial conversation, clients sometimes will ask what benefits we can bring to the table to increase the odds of a successful sale. Our response is always the following:

1. There are no guarantee”s in life and the same for selling modular units. It really is dependent on how many similar units are available at the time and the demand for the client’s inventory. We are experts with over 25 combined years in the modular/camp/ and catering industry. We know the trends and broker all types of modulars on a daily basis.
2. Condition of  your current modulars …have they ‘aged well’ over the years or been abused. Any mold or leaking issues? We assess units all the time and can distinguish what is ‘ready for sale’ condition and what will require some updating.
3. Fair market value. On rare occasions, we will be challenged by a customer on what we presented as a sale price and what they believe the value to be. Again, we do not ‘guess’ at value. The market and condition of the asset determines it’s current value. Being unbiased ( we do not carry or sell any inventory of modulars ourselves) is really the position that give confidence to a seller. Factor in the many years of successful deals under our belt, we know what will sell and what will not.
4. Where do we find buyers? That’s an easy one…we have a huge base of industry and private contacts that we draw from. We also have exclusive arrangements with over 23 modular suppliers to broker their used and new inventory. If you have inventory to sell, we contact our previous buyers and Companies we feel would benefit from having your modulars.
Our marketing system includes our proprietary websites www.usedmodulars.ca as well as our newest site, www.usedmodulars.net that is specific to the U.S.
Factor in the daily use of online ad’s on Kijiji, Craigslist and LinkedIn, we try and cover all the bases for finding a buyer.
5. Time. We concentrate on all the initial legwork, assessment and listing of your units. Your time is better spent concentrating on your business and allowing us to find you a buyer, put the deal together, and free up cash flow for you. We are business owners too and understand the importance of using outside professionals to get specific tasks done.

Which brings me to my last statement…your chances of getting a successful sale on your excess modular inventory is greatly increased by using an experienced broker.

Contact us with your questions or to learn more about how we can help.

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